Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Germy Habits You Should Probably Try to Break

It might be time to stop doing these things:

Eating food samples at grocery stores. For the same reason you wouldn't lick a stranger's hand, it's best not to dive into the freebie bowl of chips at the supermarket. Ask yourself: "Would I open up a bag of chips and share it, communally, with 50 people on the street right now?" Probably not.

Coughing into your hand. Maybe it's just me, but everywhere I'm looking these days people are coughing into their hands--instead of the inside of their elbow. If you tend to do this, try to retrain yourself to cover your cough with your arm and not your hands--it's polite and it also helps protect others with weaker immune systems from catching any bug you've got.

Rubbing your eyes--ever. After a fairly icky eye infection years ago, a doctor told me this: Think of your eyes as sacred and untouchable, and retrain yourself not to touch them with your fingers (no rubbing or messing with your eye makeup until you've washed them first). The second you touch a dirty hand to your eye, you're introducing all kinds of harmful bacteria and viruses, which can lead to annoying and even serious infections.

Letting your dog lick your hands then not washing them. Guys, I'm a dog lover, but when my golden retriever licks my hands, I go wash them. Yes, it gets tedious to do this (because she's always giving me kisses), but it needs to be done. I will remind you that dogs and cats get into unsavory things (I'll just be blunt: mine likes cat poop).

Source: Yahoo!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Outsourcing Own Jobs Overseas

A boxing fan

The Weather Channel accused of bias.

Little Kid Teaches You To Park

20 Lazy Ways to Save Money

This article is part of a series related to being Financially Fit

While the media can't decide if the recession is nearing its end or not, we do know that there hasn't been a tremendous surge in wages, job creation or the stock market. Consequently, most of us are staying pretty conservative on our spending. Here are a few relatively simple ways to keep an eye on your pennies while you're waiting for that brighter economic future to arrive.

1. Schedule automatic payments.
2. Eat your groceries.
3. Bundle services.
4. Pay off credit card.
5. Mark your calendar.
6. File your taxes on time.
7. Roll it over.
8. Switch credit cards.
9. Use your privileges.
10. Rent instead of buy.
11. Buy instead of rent.
12. Ask.
13. Just say no.
14. Have the awkward conversation.
15. Eat at home.
16. Balance your checkbook.
17. Stick with your bank.
18. Use your TV.
19. Quit those bad habits.
20. Forget the pet.
Source: Yahoo!

Friday, July 31, 2009

How to fail a breathalyzer


Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009


The Los Angeles LAKERS are supported from all around and even on some automobiles. YEYA!!! Go Lakers............!!!

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

What to do with that old VCR


How To Grill a Perfect Burger

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Player's embarrassing GAFFE

In the top of the 11th, Angel Pagan (right) appeared to give the Mets a lead with an RBI triple into the gap. But Dodgers manager Joe Torre appealed that Church missed the third-base bag on his way home. The Dodgers threw over to third and the umpire agreed. Turns out that everyone but Church was paying attention. Afterward, even homeboy Vin Scully was laughing at Church's misstep (watch it here) and the Dodgers announcer even let out a Marv Throneberry reference after Jeremy Reed's(notes) wild throw that ended the game. Throneberry was the Mets' first baseman in their archetypal '62 season, when they went 40-120.

Church confessional: "I felt like I nicked something, and that's why I kept going," Church said of his miscue. "I was walking back to the dugout and I heard the crowd scream, so I turned around. I mean, what can you do? When they call you out, they call you out. They're not going to reverse it."

Scientists discover deadly secret of Komodo's bite

The world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon, has a snake-like venom in its bite which sends victims into shock and stops their blood from clotting, according to Australian research.

It had been widely believed that deadly bacteria in the carnivorous lizard's mouth helped kill its prey.

But magnetic resonance imagery has for the first time uncovered venom glands containing a shock-inducing poison which increases blood flow and decreases blood pressure, scientists say.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oscar Mayer Weiner

Its in town. Yeya! (Covina, Ca)

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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Is It Better to Buy or Rent?

Compare the cost of RENTING and BUYING equivalent homes.

Do you think that in this economy its better to buy or rent? In some cases it is better if you rent according to your income and in other cases it would be better for you to buy. This little tool is to help you get an idea of what kind of advantages or disadvantages you would be gaining from such an important decision.

To use this tool you need to input your information in the provided boxes and when you make changes you need to click on CALCULATE.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Can your sports DRINK do this?

A Squirrel drank some sports drink and started playing with his food. Its amazing how they caught the little rascal on cam. WOW, does that little one have Skell.

read more | digg story